
Monday, April 23, 2012

~One less birthday forgotten~

This Thursday is my 28th birthday! Being that we are not allowed to announce Ava's birthday (we only know the month and year anyways...not the date), I would like to use my birthday as a celebratory day for her birthday! I'm asking that anyone reading this please donate $28 for my 28th birthday as all I want or need is to get Ava home!!! Also, she will not have any type of recognition or celebration outside of what we are doing here (which she will not know about) on her birthday this year. However, LORD WILLING and with your donations, she will be partying next year on her birthday!!! As of now, to her, a birthday only means the day she was abandoned for not being good enough in her own country!!! Please help us to change this and get her home!!!  Obviously, any amount of donation is appreciated and much needed!!! This is just something we are asking everyone to participate in for this week as it could help really make a HUGE difference in her grant and in getting her home.  Consider splitting your donation with a family member or two if you want to donate the $28 and can't.  Also, PLEASE repost this as many times as you can throughout this week and let's see if we can't make a difference for Ava on this birthday so that next birthday she will know just how many people really did care when she was in the orphanage!!!! Thank you all so much!!! You can donate by clicking the donate button above Or By contacting me and asking for a mailing address to mail a check or money order to! 


  1. Happy Birthday to you, Sylvia, and also to Ava, whenever her birthday may be.

    If you could also join in me in prayer for my nephew-to-be who is being adopted by my brother and sister-in-law, they are awaiting anxiously to bring Alex home and it's taking a long time to hear their travel date! I will donate on Wednesday, as soon as I get paid.


  2. I will absolutely be praying for your family. Is Alex an RR listing? Thank you so much for your dedication ans prayers Becky!!!!

    1. Yes, he is. Everything is done, they just need a date now.

      Thanks Sylvia!

  3. Sylvia

    I was trying to find your email but I don't think you have it listed. I have some ideas that I think might help you raise money for Ava's adoption...if you're interested, please email me back! My email address is

