~Welcome to the story of our journey to save another Eastern European princess with down syndrome and an older child! In 2010, we traveled half way around the world to adopt a twenty month old (now three years old) precious girl with down syndrome, Gabby. Now, less than two years later, we are on a mission to adopt another precious little girl that is in the same orphanage Gabby was in, Ava. Not only Ava, but yes....one more "Elaine". That means we are trying to adopt two more children!!!! If you are unaware of the situation in most, if not all Eastern European countries, please continue to read. In these countries children with down syndrome and special needs are most often placed in orphanages and if not adopted by the age of four or five (depending on circumstance), they are transferred to institutions where the likely-hood of them ever seeing outside of the institution walls remain slim to none. Many will live very short lives due to lack of appropriate care. Please don't allow this to happen to our sweet Ava! "Elaine" was fortunate enough to escape a very bad institution but nonetheless is in an institution and is an older child whose chances of coming home if we can't adopt her are not good. Having adopted and fully funding ourselves the previous adoption such a short time ago, we will need all of the help we can get to reunite these two angels and bring their big sister home. We utilized all extra resources with our first adoption and so fundraising is essential with this adoption. Whether it be from your prayers, helping to fundraise, buying from fundraisers, donations, etc...your help is much appreciated and is very much needed in order to make this dream a reality. Thank you so much for following our journey~

Tuesday, June 12, 2012


Our iPad giveaway ends 11:59 p.m ETZ on this Friday, June 15th.

You could actually win this iPad for as little as a share on fb, or $5. Also check out the other perks in addition to gaining more entries and increasing your chances below.

Go to the link below for our iPad giveaway ending in only 3 days!!!


Remember, if you donate $35 or more you can get a free handmade baby/toddler blanket!!! You must email me at jsgamiddleton@gmail.com to let me know you wish to receive one. Go here for more information:


Or if you'd like more information on how you can get an original Eastern European painting and benefit our adoption go here:


Thank you all so much and God bless!

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